Water: Types of Water.

Types of water 

i) Pure water: Water that does not contain any other substance other than hydrogen and oxygen is called pure water. And the water that contains substances other than hydrogen and oxygen such as minerals, salts, gases, micro-organism, etc. is called impure water. 

ii) Potable water: Water that is safe for drinking by humans and others animals is called potable water. It is also known as safe water. 

iii) Wholesome water : Water that is practically clear, colorless, odorless, palatable, sparkling and reasonably free from objectionable chemical salts in solution and free from microscopic organism in suspension is called wholesome water.  

iv) Polluted and contaminated water : The water that contains excessive impurities such as minerals, salt , gases , microorganism and other undesirable substance is called polluted water. The water that contains the microorganism such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, worms, etc is called contaminated water. It may look clean but contains microorganism of microscopic nature which is not visible to the naked eye.

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