This code is the first and final revision of NBC 205:1994, which is the version that came before it.
Providing ready-to-use drawings for various structural and non-structural elements of reinforced concrete frame structures that come under Building Category C under clause 8(c) of the Building Act of 2055 remains the code's primary goal.
The code specifies additional restrictions, which must be properly adhered to.
The code's primary goal is to control building development in rural and municipal areas where mid-level technicians (subengineers) are in charge of construction and professional engineers and technicians are not readily available.
The seismic design code NBC 105:1994, which has since been updated to NBC 105:2020, served as the foundation for the previous iteration of this code. Therefore, this code has also been updated in accordance with the seismic code change.
According to NBC105:2020, a variety of building configurations are structurally constructed.
The most crucial building configuration is utilized to prescribe the structural drawings for two- and three-story buildings with distinct soil types and seismic zone elements. As a result, the corresponding structural drawings are easily adoptable for municipal approval.
The Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC) has conducted extensive research, numerous consultations, and conversations with experts, professionals, and stakeholders in order to rewrite the code.
After taking into account the comments and recommendations, the proposed updated code was sent for approval to the Building Construction Management Upgrading Consolidation Committee, which is chaired by the Secretary of the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD). In accordance with article 9(2) of the Building Act, 2055, the committee ultimately suggested the adjustment of NBC 205:2024 to MoUD for approval in 2080/11/30, and MoUD (minister level) authorized it in 2081/1/30.
By ending NBC 205:1994 "Mandatory Rules of Thumb Reinforced Concrete Buildings without Masonary," NBC 205:2024 "Ready to Use Guideline for Low Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings without Masonary.
Infill" is authorized for mandatory application.
Infill," and in accordance with Building Act 2055 Clause 18(1), the notice was made public by publication in the Nepal Gazette on 2081/02/28.