

         A tower is a tall skeleton structure with a relatively small cross-section, which has a large ratio between height and maximum width. A tower is a freely standing self-supporting structure fixed to the base or foundation which a mast is tall structure, pinned to the base or foundation and braced with guyes. Steel towers are normally used for following purposes:

  •  Electric power transmission
  •  Micro wave transmission for communication
  • Radio transmission
  •  TV transmission
  • Air traffic control
  • Over Head tank
  • Food light stand

Depending upon the size and type of loading towers are grouped into two heads:

  • .      Tower with large vertical loads
  • .      Tower with mainly horizontal wind loads
  • .      Tower with large vertical loads

They have their sides made up of vertical or inclined trusses. The towers falling under the second category and subjected predominately to the winds loads and may be of two types:

  • .      Self-supporting tower
  • .      Guyed tower
  • .      Lattice tower and bracing:

The self-supporting towers subjected predominately to wind loads are called lattice towers. These towers are square or rectangular in plan. The width B of the side face may vary between 1/8 to 1/12 of H of the tower.

The top width of tower is kept between 1.5 to 3 m depending upon requirement.

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