Irrigation Canal : Canal Lining


A canal is an artificial channel, generally trapezoidal in shape constructed on the ground to carry water to the fields either from the river or from a tank or reservoir

Type of Irrigation Channels

The hydraulic design of a channel or irrigation canal is governed mainly by two factors:

i)quantity of silt in the water carried by the channel and

ii)type of boundary surface of the channel.

Based on these, we may have three types of channels

1)alluvial channels

2)Non-alluvial channels

3)Rigid boundary channels or lined channels 

Lined channels:

An impermeable layer is provided at the bed and sides of canal to improve the life and discharge capacity of canal known as canal lining. Generally seepage can result in losses of 30 – 40 % of irrigation water in canals, so we can reduce the effect of seepage by providing lining to the canal.

Types of canal linings:

Mainly there are two types of canal linings:

1. Earthen type lining

2. Hard surface lining


Two type of lined canal

i)triangular shaped or curved channel

ii)trapezoidal shaped or flat bottom shaped channel.

The side slopes are so selected that is nearly equal to the angle of response of the soil so that no earth pressure is imposed on the lining

ii)Trapezoidal channel section

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